GSWM is part of an overall drive to ensure that women of all ages and stages in their lives enjoy ministry that is specifically for them to address/review their Christian life from where they are (hence the different ministries areas open to all women: WoW, Marriage ministry, My sister's Keeper).  Homegroup is an opportunity for all women to come together and share, learn and grow (the spiritual law being that “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17) and the Women’s Board plan to re-introduce All women getting together at least twice a year, from this year (2020).


Every stage of our lives will have its highs and lows, i.e. its challenges and its benefits, and in line with this, GSWM is an opportunity to consider this purely from the perspective of those who are single.

GSWM sessions recognise that being ‘single’ has different shades: there are those who may be:

  • Widowed
  • Divorced
  • Never married
  • Single with children
  • Single without children


We recognise also, that women may be in different age brackets; so, in coming together, we embrace the things that we have in common and that is we are: Christian women currently living out this portion or our lives as single women, allowing scope for everything to be reviewed from the different stages represented in the sessions as people see fit.